WARNING! Pincha Mayurasana, or the forearmstand, or commonly called just “pincha” is the gateway drug to the well-known armbalancing addiction in the yoga community. This pose can cause serious increase in happiness and confidence, so it actually requires a prescription from your yoga guru to use it.
It doesn’t matter if it’s just a few seconds but finding that small hang-time, while being upside-down, is much easier in pincha than in handstand. This is caused by using longer forearms instead of smaller and shorter palms – hence you have bigger lever; but also the employed muscles for adjusting the balance are bigger – triceps and biceps instead of small forearm muscles. Furthermore, by having the center of gravity lower to the ground makes forearmstand easier to press up and to come down. That all means that pincha is a rather accessible pose for all people, independent on their strength and/or flexibility, and it is reachable sooner in their yoga journey.
This two-hours long workshop will give you all the necessary tools for you to learn how to balance on your forearms. We will try to tackle the topic of fear of jumping into pincha, different techniques of doing it, and also how to safely exit it. We will also discover the essential prep poses and exercised, that are possible to implement into your daily practice, so pincha can become your long-term goal outside of this workshop too.